Harness the Genius of Nature in a Biomimicry Mastermind

"As we are embarking on global solutions to climate change - we need people to infuse this mentality, this lens, into everything that we do. It’s crucial that we start to think this way."

A. Portman, David Suzuki Foundation


This cohort workshop is unlike anything you've ever taken. We help take back of the napkin ideas, side projects, and passions into careers. And we do it by leveraging the genius of nature and the creativity of the commons. Our goal is to transform the way we think, behave, and create, by inspiring as many sustainable businesses as possible - businesses that light people up. Our belief is that there is no greater model of sustainability than nature and that biomimicry is the most comprehensive tool to abstract this genius. As we search for net zero, passive strategies, circularity, additive manufacturing, resilient farming, we must remember that nature has done it already

Here's how:

We will help you take the next step in building a biomimetic business.

  • We unlock your biomimetic lens

  • We'll help define your big vision (your why)

  • We'll create a clear pathway for your sustainable solution/future to come to life

  • We'll teach you how to "do" biomimicry

  • We'll give you access to the resources necessary to make your "idea" your career

  • You'll leverage the genius of your cohort - once a week for two hours, in lively, well-facilitated online tutorials

  • You'll get 1:1 coaching with a world leader with a proven track record

  • You'll leave with a product, a process, that you're inspired by

  • And you'll leave with a community who has your back


“Got more than what I expected. This incubator helped me connect with a way of thinking that has fundamentally changed my business and my perspective. ”

President, Skyline Clean Energy Fund

Rob Stein

“It turns out that clues to many of the problems we face in society are lying in plain view in the natural world. Jamie does a really nice job of helping you use biomimetic principles to see those clues, and then apply them to product development, or whatever it is you're trying to move forward.”

Founder, Heartwood Farm and Cidery

Brent Klassen

“This was (and still is) transformative. It offered the infrastructure that shifted the methods that I approach creative thinking. It has provided connections and a network of support and resources that will change my trajectory.”

Process Manager, Ankrom Moisan Architects

Brooke Eckelberry


  • Weekly two-hour tutorials

  • Miro-boards and ongoing engagement between sessions

  • Over nine weeks

  • With an intimate cohort of innovators

  • Access to one-on-one coaching

  • Award-winning tools and methods (you'll have access to for life)

  • And a community you build with for life

"Truly, world changing."

E. Voss, Global Engineering Director


This mastermind is for anyone who wants to do something more than what they're currently doing. Whether that's more for your career, more for nature, more for themselves, this cohort is for those who want to live an extraordinary life and build a business that leaves a better future for the next generation.

we help you build your dream job



    Learn how to leverage the genius of nature to inspire a truly sustainable business. Biomimicry is not hard. Fundamentally, it's a lens and once you get a grasp on how to use this lens, and understand the things that are blocking you from it, biomimicry will transform the way you do business.


    Our methods are tried and tested (they evolved from phd research). We define your "why" and give you the practical steps to get there. There is no "one" way to do biomimicry. But through our twenty years of practice we have found some tips and tricks that will help your efficiency in its application.


    Good ideas need soil and they need nutrients. We give you both in the form of this unique incubator and the access to all of our contacts, opportunities, and resources. We're not just building businesses, we're trying to build a revolution.

"I feel as though this course will be a catalyst to a career or life that revolves around biomimicry. Although I knew I wanted a life like that before. This course helped me see how to get there. I feel as though I've been handed incredible knowledge and been told to share it."

K. Beker, Academy of Art University



"This course changed the way I view the world."

N. Owusu, Starfish Medical

This is an intimate cohort unlike anything you've done before.

Cart Closes on September 9th, 2024: be a part of the next cohort!

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Pricing options

Pay once or spread your investment over several months.

Meet your instructor

Jamie Miller

Hi, I'm Jamie Miller. I'm the first Global Director of Biomimicry, helping B+H, an international design company bring biomimicry to the built environment. I'm also the President of Biomimicry Frontiers, an award-winning consultancy, and the Founder of the Biomimicry Commons, which Fast Company named a "World Changing Idea." I hold a PhD in engineering, which focused on systems-level biomimicry and urban resilience. I was the Director of OCAD University's Biomimicry Program and I've been a leader in the field since 2004. I was originally trained and educated by Janine Benyus and continue to work with Indigenous Elders to deepen my understanding of the principles of biomimicry while focusing on its practical application. My mission is to elevate the genius of nature and to help inspire two billion biomimics to shift the system toward greater harmony with the natural world.

Jamie Miller

Director of Biomimicry


“A most fascinating part of the online course was the virtual zoom talks with Jamie, his approach is fantastic, and he is patient, always smiling, and engaging with the group. I can say he is an inspirational mentor. His ability to take note of each one of us in the group, and to put into his own words and paraphrase our ideas was beneficial for us to evolve in the course.”

Interior Designer, NAD Institute of Neuro Architecture and Design

Nathalie Sleiman

“Jamie is a thoughtful, passionate, and articulate person who cares deeply about whois students are and where they are coming from. He effectively parlays his talent for understanding people into designing a curriculum that is engaging, informative, and relevant to his students.”

Fellow, Dahdelaleh Institute for Global Health Research

Syed Imran Ali, PhD

“His passion and excellent facilitation skills bring out the best in his students' ideas and talents, and the feedback provided was always insightful. Whether you have a half-baked idea or not, this course will get you thinking totally differently about everything from how you do your current job to how to create your dream business.”

Transportation Planning Manager, City of Guelph

Jennifer Juste

Groups who have worked with Jamie

  • Nadathur Private Investment


Here's what...


    The good thing is, biomimicry can apply to anything. We've worked with artists, architects, economists, teachers. It doesn't matter, just bring your genius and we'll help you apply biomimicry to it.


    This is a nine-week course, which will include weekly two-hour tutorials, time connecting 1:1 with Jamie, and a powerful community to build your future with.


    This course only works if you do. We want to share this experience with the people who are committed to building a lasting legacy that's inspired by nature.



This course is for bold thinkers. Businesses and individuals that will shape the future. People tired of the status quo. Outliers willing to take a chance and work on the real issues that we're facing today. It's for those on the frontier of new design thinking, which has the potential to fundamentally transform business and the way we relate with the natural world.


  • Joining a community of like-minded leaders who inspire bold, creative, action

  • Accessing unprecedented creativity and developing solutions that are truly sustainable

  • Getting coaching from a global leader in one of the most important (and fastest growing) fields in sustainability

  • Creating actionable change to the wicked problems we face and being a real contributor to positive change

  • Creating something that leaves a lasting legacy

  • Seeing the world in a totally different light and transform your relationship with nature

  • Creating a future worth living for

"When you pave over life, you pave over the commons, the genius is in the commons."

Lead the next evolution of design thinking.


  • What do I get from this course?

    Time, methods, coaching and a community to help you design and implement world-changing ideas.

  • Will biomimicry apply to me and my profession?

    You do not need to be an engineer, biologist or designer to take this course - biomimicry can teach us about social systems, organizational behaviour, economics, manufacturing, art, communication, materials, colour, and many other strategies that relate to multiple sectors.

  • How much of a time commitment is this?

    For nine weeks, you can expect to spend three-four hours per week. There will be weekly tutorials (2hrs) plus community check-ins with your cohort plus some work on your own. But trust me, the time spent here will save you years down the road.

  • Do I need to know about biology to take the course?

    No, biomimicry is not about what you know about biology, it’s about looking at it from a different lens. This is often better done with fresh eyes.

  • Do I need to be an entrepreneur or a business owner to take this course?

    No, you do not need to be an entrepreneur or a business owner but you do have to have a pioneering attitude and the desire to explore a relatively undervalued way of thinking. However, we do focus on entrepreneurs and businesses that want to shift their focus to a more sustainable model.

  • Do I need to have prior knowledge of biomimicry?

    No, you can start fresh and get a strong understanding of the concept through this course. Come as you are.

  • What if I'm not fully satisified with the course?

    If you are not fully satisfied after you've completed the course and the coaching, we will provide a 100% refund.

  • Will I get a certificate for completing the course?


Course curriculum

  1. 01
    • Welcome to The Biomimicry Mastermind Cohort

    • Biomimicry 101

  2. 02
    • Core content - The Adaptive Cycle

    • 1.1 Foundations | Our Personal Assumptions

    • 1.2 Foundations | Shifting the Lens

  3. 03
    • 2.1 Harnessing Nature's Genius | Creative Disruption

    • 2.2 Harnessing Nature's Genius | Biology to Design

    • 2.3 Harnessing Nature's Genius | Prototyping

    • BONUS Material - Second Law of Everything

  4. 04
    • 3.1 Building a Biomimetic Future | Your Purpose

    • Bonus Video - Declarations, vibrations, and its influence on what we create

    • 3.2 Building a Biomimetic Future | Design to Biology

    • 3.3 Building a Biomimetic Future | Tools

  5. 05
    • Case Studies - SJ

    • Case Studies - Biomimicry Frontiers