The Biomimicry Commons is the fertile grounds for next-generation thinkers to tap into nature's genius, collaborate, and create world-changing solutions to climate change. 

After 3.8 billion years of research and development, nature has proven to be the most sustainable model for thriving on this planet. And through the Commons, our mission is to shift your mindset, to help you harness the time-tested ideas in nature, and to transform the way we think, behave, and create towards greater harmony with nature. 

We know that biomimicry works best when we work together. Nature strives for diversity and in that diversity thrives. 

That's why we are calling on convention-breaking mavericks, icons and genius, to shape the future.

You are the commons.

What people are saying

Nana Owusu

5 star rating

“This course shifted my mindset. It taught me what it truly means to be sustainable and how to tap into nature’s ingenuity to solve problems we currently have in our society. A great way to build connections with people who love biomimicry from aro...”

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“This course shifted my mindset. It taught me what it truly means to be sustainable and how to tap into nature’s ingenuity to solve problems we currently have in our society. A great way to build connections with people who love biomimicry from around the world and share ideas.”

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